Results for 'Karl Erik Schøllhammer'

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  1. The longstanding interest in business ethics.Karl-Erik Wärneryd & Alan Lewis - 1994 - In Alan Lewis & Karl Erik Wärneryd, Ethics and economic affairs. New York: Routledge. pp. 1--14.
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  2. Ethical issues in the world of finance.Karl-Erik Wärneryd, Lars Bergkvist & Kristin Westlund - 1994 - In Alan Lewis & Karl Erik Wärneryd, Ethics and economic affairs. New York: Routledge. pp. 183.
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    Ethics and economic affairs.Alan Lewis & Karl Erik Wärneryd (eds.) - 1994 - New York: Routledge.
    The longstanding interest in business ethics has been given renewed emphasis by high profile scandals in the world of business and finance. At the same time, many economists--dissatisfied with the discipline's emphasis on self-interest and individualism and by the asocial nature of much economic theory--have sought to englarge the scope of economics by looking at ethical questions. In Ethics and Economic Affairs a group of interdisciplinary scholars provide contributions on international interest in this aspect of socio-economics and economic-psychology. The book (...)
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    Cinq traditions à la recherche du public.Klaus Bruhn Jensen & Karl Erik Rosengren - 1993 - Hermes 11:281.
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    Mandatory childhood vaccination: Should Norway follow?Espen Gamlund, Karl Erik Müller, Kathrine Knarvik Paquet & Carl Tollef Solberg - 2020 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 1:7-27.
    _Systematic public vaccination constitutes a tremendous health success, perhaps the greatest achievement of biomedicine so far. There is, however, room for improvement. Each year, 1.5 million deaths could be avoided with enhanced immunisation coverage. In recent years, many countries have introduced mandatory childhood vaccination programmes in an attempt to avoid deaths. In Norway, however, the vaccination programme has remained voluntary. Our childhood immunisation programme covers protection for twelve infectious diseases, and Norwegian children are systematically immunised from six weeks to sixteen (...)
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    European Newspaper Readership: Structure and Development.Lennart Weibull & Karl Erik Gustafsson - 1997 - Communications 22 (3):249-274.
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    A Walk in the Invisible City.Karl Erik Schøllhammer - 2008 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 21 (3):143-148.
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    Stimulus units and range of experienced stimuli as determinants of generalization-discrimination gradients.Jacob L. Gewirtz, Lyle V. Jones & Karl-Erik Waerneryd - 1956 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 52 (1):51.
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    The Devils in the DALY: Prevailing Evaluative Assumptions.Carl Tollef Solberg, Preben Sørheim, Karl Erik Müller, Espen Gamlund, Ole Frithjof Norheim & Mathias Barra - 2020 - Public Health Ethics 13 (3):259-274.
    In recent years, it has become commonplace among the Global Burden of Disease study authors to regard the disability-adjusted life year primarily as a descriptive health metric. During the first phase of the GBD, it was widely acknowledged that the DALY had built-in evaluative assumptions. However, from the publication of the 2010 GBD and onwards, two central evaluative practices—time discounting and age-weighting—have been omitted from the DALY model. After this substantial revision, the emerging view now appears to be that the (...)
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  10. Speech-gesture mismatches: Evidence for one underlying representation of linguistic and nonlinguistic information.Justine Cassell, David McNeill & Karl-Erik McCullough - 1999 - Pragmatics and Cognition 7 (1):1-34.
    Adults and children spontaneously produce gestures while they speak, and such gestures appear to support and expand on the information communicated by the verbal channel. Little research, however, has been carried out to examine the role played by gesture in the listener's representation of accumulating information. Do listeners attend to the gestures that accompany narrative speech? In what kinds of relationships between gesture and speech do listeners attend to the gestural channel? If listeners do attend to information received in gesture, (...)
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    Fischer on the Time of Death’s Badness.Erik Carlson, Karl Ekendahl & Jens Johansson - 2024 - Philosophia 52 (2):435-444.
    In a recent article in this journal, John Martin Fischer defends the view that death harms its victim after she dies. More specifically, he develops a “truthmaking” account in order to solve what he calls the Problem of Predication for this view. In this reply, we argue that Fischer’s proposed solution to this problem is unsuccessful.
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    Expressing certainty in no uncertain terms: reply to Fox and Ülkümen.Karl Halvor Teigen & Erik Løhre - 2017 - Thinking and Reasoning 23 (4):492-496.
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  13. Reich und Recht in der deutschen Philosophie.Karl Larenz, Karl Gottfried Hugelmann, Erik Wolf & W. Schönfeld - 1943 - Berlin,: W. Kohlhammer. Edited by Karl Gottfried Hugelmann, Erik Wolf & W. Schönfeld.
    1. Bd. Hugelmann, K.G. Der Reichsgedanke bei Nikolaus von Kues. Wolf., Erik. Idee und Wirklichkeit des Reiches im deutschen Rechtsdenken des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts. Larenz, Karl. Sittlichkeit und Recht, Untersuchungen zur Geschichte des deutschen Rechtsdenkens und zur Sittenlehre.--2. Bd. Schönfeld, Walther. Die Geschichte der Rechtswissenschaft im Spiegel der Metaphysik.
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    Do True and False Intentions Differ in Level of Abstraction? A Test of Construal Level Theory in Deception Contexts.Sofia Calderon, Erik Mac Giolla, Pär Anders Granhag & Karl Ask - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Die Dopingfalle: Soziologische Betrachtungen.Henk Erik Meier, Uwe Schimank & Karl-Heinrich Bette - 2007 - Sport Und Gesellschaft 4 (1):88-94.
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    There is a 60% probability, but I am 70% certain: communicative consequences of external and internal expressions of uncertainty. [REVIEW]Erik Løhre & Karl Halvor Teigen - 2016 - Thinking and Reasoning 22 (4):369-396.
    ABSTRACTCurrent theories of probability recognise a distinction between external certainty and internal certainty. The present studies investigated this distinction in lay people's judgements of probability statements formulated to suggest either an internal or an external interpretation. These subtle differences in wording influenced participants' perceptions and endorsements of such statements, and their impressions of the speaker. External expressions were seen to signal more reliable task duration estimates, and a lower degree of external than internal certainty was deemed necessary to advise a (...)
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  17. Distinguishing Apples From Trees.Erik Craig - 2015 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 22 (2):103-106.
    The commentaries of professors René Muller and James Phillips exemplify the two most prevalent, contrasting attitudes regarding the role and relevance of ontology for existential psychotherapy. Whereas Muller embraces the need for foundational ontology, Phillips, following the psychiatrist turned philosopher Karl Jaspers, is steadfastly suspicious of it and committed to an ontical approach based on descriptions of the experience of particular individuals. There is much in Muller’s commentary with which I find myself in substantial agreement, including his rejection of (...)
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    Finalität als Naturdetermination: zur Naturteleologie bei Teilhard de Chardin.Erik Lehnert - 2002 - Stuttgart: Ibidem.
    Angesichts der ökologischen Krise und der zunehmenden Zivilisationsprobleme ist es notwendig, einen philosophischen Naturbegriff, der das Verhältnis des Menschen zur Natur aufgrund dieser Tatsache neu bestimmt, zu entwickeln. Der Jesuit, Paläontologe und Philosoph Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955) ist ein herausragendes Beispiel einer Vermittlung von Naturwissenschaft und Naturphilosophie. Teilhard entwirft eine Zusammenschau von transzendent-metaphysischer Teleologie, die aus dem christlichen Glauben heraus Gott als einzige Zweckursache des Geschehens sieht, philosophischer Anthropologie und naturwissenschaftlich orientierter kausalmechanischer Evolutionstheorie, dem allmählichen Entwickeln eines höheren Zustands (...)
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    William Bateson from Balanoglossus to Materials for the Study of Variation: The Transatlantic Roots of Discontinuity and the naturalness of Selection.Erik L. Peterson - 2008 - Journal of the History of Biology 41 (2):267-305.
    William Bateson has long occupied a controversial role in the history of biology at the turn of the twentieth century. For the most part, Bateson has been situated as the British translator of Mendel or as the outspoken antagonist of W. F. R. Weldon and Karl Pearson's biometrics program. Less has been made of Bateson's transition from embryologist to advocate for discontinuous variation, and the precise role of British and American influences in that transition, in the years leading up (...)
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  20. (1 other version)Jaspers, Karl, Max Weber. Deutsches Wesen im politischen Denken, im Forschen und Philosophieren. [REVIEW]Erik Wolf - 1934 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 39:210.
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    Jean-Paul Sartre und Frantz Fanon: Antirassismus--Antikolonialismus--Politiken der Emanzipation.Erik Michael Vogt - 2012 - Wien: Verlag Turia + Kant.
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    Democracy, the Open Society and Truth.Jan-Erik Lane - 2020 - Open Journal of Philosophy 10 (1):129-136.
    Karl Popper discovered the link between the open society and scientific dis- covery with the help of his analysis of growth of scientific theories (Popper, 1945, 1959). Only in an open society can hypotheses or models be falsified. His principle of falsification applies not only to scientific argument but also to social science beliefs and political propaganda. Thus, democracy nourishes an open society seeking the truth. Actually, democracy is the sole political re- gime that promotes the truth in an (...)
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    Marxism as permanet revolution.Erik van Ree - 2013 - History of Political Thought 34 (3):540-563.
    This article argues that the 'permanent revolution' represented the dominant element in Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels' political discourse, and that it tended to overrule considerations encapsulated in 'historical materialism'. In Marx and Engels's understanding, permanent revolution did not represent a historical shortcut under exceptional circumstances, but the course revolutions in the modern era would normally take. Marx and Engels traced back the pattern to the sixteenth century. It is argued here that, in Marx and Engels, the proletarian revolution (...)
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    German Marxism and the Decline of the Permanent Revolution, 1870–1909.Erik van Ree - 2012 - History of European Ideas 38 (4):570-589.
    Summary This article discusses the development of German Social Democratic Party strategy in the fourth quarter of the nineteenth century and the first decade of the twentieth, as a result of the works of Friedrich Engels and Karl Kautsky. It ties the evolution of Marxist orthodoxy to the emergence of parliamentary democracy in different European societies. In particular, it discusses the way parliamentary conditions impacted on how the proletarian revolution was imagined. Revolution was newly defined as the establishment through (...)
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    Behaviorismus und gestaltpsychologie.Karl Duncker - 1932 - Erkenntnis 3 (1):162-176.
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    The A Pricri of Communication and the Foundation of the Humanities.Karl-Otto Apel - 1972 - Man and World 5 (1):3.
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  27. The "Workmanship of the Understanding": Realist and Anti-Realist Theories of Classification in Boyle, Locke and Leibniz.Jan-Erik Jones - 2002 - Dissertation, University of California, Irvine
    The focus of this dissertation is the debate over classification and species realism/anti-realism in the new science of mechanism. I argue that Michael Ayers's Interpretation of Robert Boyle as a Lockean on species is incorrect. Boyle is more realist than Locke, indeed, Boyle's theory of classification was more similar to Leibniz's than to Locke's. This realist account of Boyle helps to diagnose an important connection between Leibniz and Boyle, and show Locke as a much more novel philosopher of science. ;I (...)
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    Egenskab og fællesskab.Erik Baastrup Maaløe - 1969 - København,: Munksgaard.
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  29. Schellings Verhältnis zu Aristoteles.Karl Eswein - 1934 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 47:84-112.
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    Gott und die Moral: theologische Ethik heute.Karl-Wilhelm Merks - 1998 - Münster: Lit.
  31. Das deutsche Kunstlied.Karl Metz - 1900 - Leipzig: C. Merseburger.
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    Anthropologie und Psychologie.Karl Ludwig Michelet - 1968 - Bruxelles,: Culture et civilisation.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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    Two Ways of Exploring the World.Karl H. Müller - 2017 - In Katharina Neges, Josef Mitterer, Sebastian Kletzl & Christian Kanzian, Realism - Relativism - Constructivism: Proceedings of the 38th International Wittgenstein Symposium in Kirchberg. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 83-100.
    This article deals with the research tradition of Radical Constructivism and proposes four central claims for its theoretical, methodological and epistemic orientation and status. First, Radical Constructivism should be viewed as a comprehensive empirical research tradition with an emphasis on cognition, learning, living systems and organization which, in addition, developed a new general methodology for scientific operations. Second, the main opponent of Radical Constructivism, especially in the research program of Heinz von Foerster, does not lie in philosophical or epistemological terrains (...)
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    IV. Zum Texte des Troikos Dions von Prusa.Karl Münscher - 1920 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 76 (1-4):93-112.
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    6. Zum christlichen Dreifaltigkeitshymnos aus Oxyrhynchos.Karl Münscher - 1924 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 80 (2):209-213.
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    Platon in Ägypten.Karl Nawratil - 1974 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 28 (4):598 - 603.
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  37. Claudel y Péguy. La relación entre teología y literatura.Karl H. Neufeld - 2001 - Verdad y Vida 59 (230):125-132.
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    2. Zur Lehre vom Zusammenhange des kaspischen und des erythraeischen Meeres.Karl Johannes Neumann - 1891 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 50 (1-4):178-179.
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    Thomas Buchheim/Friedrich Hermanni/Axel Hutter/Christoph Schwöbel (Hgg.), Gottesbeweise als Herausforderung für die moderne Vernunft (= Collegium Metaphysicum, Bd. 4).Karl-Heinz Nusser & Christian Weidemann - 2014 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 121 (1):163-168.
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  40. Beiträge zur Staatslehre [von] Walter Ulbricht [und] Karl Polak.Walter Ulbricht & Karl Polak (eds.) - 1959 - Berlin,: Deutscher Zentralverlag.
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    Die Spannweite des Daseins: Philosophie, Theologie, Psychotherapie und Religionswissenschaft im Gespräch: für Augustinus Karl Wucherer-Huldenfeld O. Praem.Augustinus Karl Wucherer-Huldenfeld, Karl Baier & Markus Riedenauer (eds.) - 2011 - Göttingen: V & R unipress.
    English summary: This anthology deals with the work of Augustinus Wucherer-Huldenfelds, one of Austria's most prominent philosophers of the late 20th and early 21st century.
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    Biological Theories of Morphogenesis Based on Holistic Biophysical Thinking.Karl H. Palmquist, Clint S. Ko, Amy E. Shyer & Alan R. Rodrigues - forthcoming - Biological Theory:1-14.
    The roles played by physics in the study of the life sciences have taken many forms over the past 100 years. Here we analyze how physics can be brought to bear on the contemporary study of morphogenesis, where new tissue-scale forms arise out of simpler, more homogenous, initial structures. We characterize how morphogenesis has been studied through reductionist approaches and discuss their limitations. We suggest that an alternative way of approaching morphogenesis that begins with a consideration of the whole may (...)
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    (1 other version)Sources of the materialist conception of history in the history of ideas.Karl G. Ballestrem - 1983 - Studies in East European Thought 26 (1):3-9.
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    Intervention Research in Education: Some Comments.Erik De Corte - 2005 - In Heinz Mandl & Birgitta Kopp, Impulse Für Die Bildungsforschung: Stand Und Perspektivendokumentation Eines Expertengesprächs. Akademie Verlag. pp. 55-61.
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    300 Jahre Charité - Im Spiegel Ihrer Institute.Karl Einhäupl, Detlev Ganten & Jakob Hein (eds.) - 2010 - De Gruyter.
    Im Berliner Wissenschaftsjahr 2010 wird die Charité, das größte Universitätsklinikum Europas, ihr 300-jähriges Jubiläum feiern. Zu diesem Anlass entstand der vorliegende Band,,Charité 300 - Geschichte, Gegenwart, Horizonte". Es zeigt, wie aus dem 1710 als Pesthaus vor den Toren Berlins gegründeten Krankenhaus heute eines der international führenden Zentren medizinischer Forschung und Lehre wurde. Schwerpunkt ist dabei die rasante Entwicklung der Charité in den Jahren seit der Wende und die Zukunftsperspektiven dieses traditionsreichen Wissenschaftsstandorts von Weltrang. Jubiläumspublikation zur 300-Jahr-Feier.
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    Suárez's ideas on natural law in the light of his philosophical anthropology and moral psychology.Erik Åkerlund - 2010 - In Virpi Mäkinen, The nature of rights: moral and political aspects of rights in late medieval and early modern philosophy. Helsinki: The Philosophical Society of Finland.
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    Boekbesprekingen.Archibald van Wieringen, Erik Eynikel, P. C. Beentjes, Bart J. Koet, Theo de Kruijf, J.-J. Suurmond, Jacques Haers, Th Bell, A. H. C. Van Eijk, Teije Brattinga, Arie L. Molendijk, H. J. Adriaanse, A. Lascaris, Jan ter Laak, R. G. W. Huysmans, Marc Schneiders, R. Weverbergh, Luc Anckaert, A. Van de Pavert, Jan Peter Schouten & J. J. C. Maas - 1995 - Bijdragen 56 (4):451-482.
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    Zum "Metus Punicus" in rom um 150 v. Chr.Karl-Wilhelm Welwei - 1989 - Hermes 117 (3):314-320.
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    Materialistische Dialektik in Theorie und Praxis des Bildungs- und Erziehungsprozesses.Karl-Friedrich Wessel - 1984 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 32 (2):143-152.
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    The Original Homeland of the Parthians.Karl A. Wittfogel & B. Philip Lozinski - 1960 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 80 (2):150.
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